Friday, September 3, 2010

Shoot Your Shooters

Jimmy and I are rolling out a new contest. Starting September 1 2010, during all of our upcoming fall engagement sessions. Here is how it will work: At the beginning of your e-session you must tell us you would like to shoot your shooters. Then it is up to you. At any point during your session you get to turn the cameras on us. You get two shots (one each) You pick the setting, background and you must position us, however you like. WE WILL LISTEN, but we cannot help you. Then simply snap your image. It will be added to our contest board on facebook. Then you must get votes!! Tell all of your friends and family to vote for the image you shot. The couple with the most votes at the end of the contest wins! Wins what? A 32" Phillips Flat Screen HDTV to enjoy as a newlywed couple. Winner will be announced December 1, 2010. Good Luck!!

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