Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Search for Sasquatch...

This photo was snapped by my friend Don at Salt Fork State Park this spring. We were attending the... don't laugh, folks... 4th annual Bigfoot conference and expo. I spent alot of time walking quietly through the woods, camera in hand, feeling silly, looking for the elusive Sasquatch. I listened patiently while the guides gave us tips on tracking the beast. As you may have already guessed, that particular Pulitzer prize slipped quickly through my hands. Well, maybe next spring... yep, definitely next spring.
So with a case of poison ivy and my Pulitzer Prize dreams shattered, I headed back to Youngstown to gear up for the wedding season with Michelle.
Being busy is great. Michelle and I have had a pretty full schedule of meetings, engagement shoots and weddings. Our 2010 season is filling quickly so next year is going to be booming too.
Well, I am going to try to make a genuine effort to keep everyone up to date on my adventures. Be it a great story about a wedding with Michelle, or just a post about my day. I hope you'll read all about it here!
Till then...